The Importance of Food Before Anal Sex

You’re planning a great night out, or a beautiful encounter, or a romantic double date with your partner, and you don’t want to ruin all of this that you’re looking forward to by eating the wrong food. Especially if you’re an anal sex enthusiast, proper diet is very important to you and you want to be clean and confident before someone shoves something up your ass. There’s no doubt that your diet will play an important role in your sex life, and there’s a direct link between our asses and our diets that affects your anal sex experience.

Knowing your body

The first thing you can do is make sure that your body is not allergic to any food, if not, you can go to the hospital to check for allergens. The most important function of your butt is that it can excrete your body’s feces, and it is by observing your baby’s feces that new mothers can determine the condition of your baby’s body when they are babies. And now you can judge the state of your feces by your own observation. If everything is fine, it means you are eating a healthy diet. Then you should be able to enjoy great anal sex without much preparation. And without having to thoroughly clean and use tons of lube afterwards.

Make a food diary

You could try making a food diary, some people hear this and think it’s a hassle and don’t really want to do it, but you shouldn’t underestimate it. A food diary can help you keep track of which foods affect you somewhat and which ones don’t. This information can help you understand your body better and make it easier for you to plan your diet wisely when you’re out at a dinner party but want to exercise for anal sex.

Do your pre-anal sex planning

You can do some advance preparation before your date, such as taking psyllium husk or fiber supplements every day, and also drinking plenty of water for hydration. The fiber will only work if you are well hydrated. On top of that, drinking plenty of water every day can soften stools, relieve constipation, and stimulate bowel movements to help with bowel movements. If you have emptied your bowels before anal sex, it may be smoother for the next anal exercise.
Another preparation method is to use a small amount of douche solution to rinse the anus to keep it clean. Choosing the right douche is also important, some people may find douche too irritating, try to buy douche from a regular store so that you are assured of quality and safety after sale.

There is also a way to buy anal plugs to help you extend your butt hole so that it won’t be so painful for you to perform anal sex. Beginners can buy a smaller size of anal plugs, easy to adapt to, experience will not appear anal rupture and other problems, such as the body to adapt to gradually increase the size, you can pursue more violent stimulation. Of course, the use of anal plugs should pay attention to cleanliness, to prevent bacterial infection, if the lower body pain, discomfort and other unusual circumstances, should promptly go to the hospital for medical treatment.

Choose a light diet

When we are on a date, we try to choose a light diet entrance, we are not aiming for foods that are good for bowel movements, we should choose foods that do not cause flatulence and bloating. If you take your date to a restaurant that you are more familiar with, then you can order based on the dishes that you are familiar with and avoid dishes that make you both feel heavy and uncomfortable. Conversely, if you are going to a restaurant that you are not familiar with, then you can ask the waiter or order based on the name of the dish. Generally, when we eat foods that make us feel uncomfortable in the stomach and intestines, we experience flatulence and bloating within a few minutes, which makes one feel uncomfortable in the lower body and interferes with your subsequent sexual plans.

What kind of food has an effect on anal sex?

1. Fiber

Fiber plays a very important role in the digestive system. Fiber is not just a supplement you take before sex, it is an integral part of our daily lives. Fruits, vegetables, grains, and legumes can all help you achieve your daily fiber intake. Some daily fiber intake can effectively promote the movement of the colon in the feces, more helpful to defecation.

2. Meat

I believe some people are big fans of meat, consuming meat can supplement our protein, but it has a disadvantage that makes our body take a long time to digest it, it will affect our digestive system, the intestines will not be so clean, which may not be good for anal sex.

3. Carbonated drinks

Carbonated drinks must come with gas which will make you feel bloated and uncomfortable, you may be very tempted to fart and burp. Carbonated drinks should be banned before anal sex to prevent you from making a fool of yourself in front of your partner and affecting your libido.

4. Spicy food

If you want to have anal sex, make sure you ban spicy food. Spicy food is delicious, but this type of food is hard for you to digest and can lead to some unpredictable conditions in your digestive system, such as diarrhea.


Before having anal sex, first you need to make sure your bowels are safe and comfortable, try to choose a light diet, don’t eat spicy and stimulating food, eat more fruits and vegetables to supplement fiber, and also focus on drinking water to help with bowel movements. But if you are new to anal sex, you can first try to buy anal plugs to help you experience the feeling of anal sex, I recommend you to buy from inyarose, the quality is guaranteed, and after-sales is also convenient.